29 November 2021

Field in Focus presentation series launched

Our Field in Focus technical presentation series is now online, giving some early insights into the work and observations of specialists assessing the potential environmental impacts (effects) of building and operating environmental works at the nine VMFRP sites.

Various technical studies are being completed to understand the potential effects and how we can manage and minimise them. Studies include areas such as biodiversity and habitats, water quality, cultural heritage, social, economic and amenity impacts, and waterway use and infrastructure.

The community are invited to give feedback and ask questions on any areas under investigation.

The full findings from these studies will be publicly exhibited in mid-2022 in an environment effects statement (EES) (or an environment report at some sites), giving the community another opportunity to have their say.

The EES process is Victoria’s most rigorous, transparent and comprehensive process for assessing the potential environmental impacts of large-scale projects, and is part of the regulatory approvals process.

Visit vmfrp.com.au/ees-studies/ to watch the presentations and submit your feedback.